Milling Machine

Buy Used Milling Machine from Huron, Model - MIX

SKU : 2404211
Used Huron Milling Machine  MIX

Price : RFQ


Machine overview

Machine Specifications

    Machine Description

    • 1. Milling machine type DUFOUR = 4 to
    • table 340/1600 mm machine with DRO
    • 2. Milling machine type HURON = 3 to
    • table = 460/1600 mm machine with DRO
    • 3. Milling machine tipe ACIERA = 2 to
    • table = 240/1000 mm machine with DRO
    • 4. CNC milling machine type CB Ferari = 5 to
    • The machine is functional with Numeric 646 CNC
    • german echipament
    • table = 450/1200 mm
    • 5. Milling machine type FU 32/152 = 3 to
    • table = 320/1500 mm
    • 6. Milling machine type AVIA FNE 4OO = 2 to
    • table = 315/1200 mm the machine is with DRO functional

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