How to Calculate Tonnage for Injection Molding: A Step-by-Step Guide

Sep 06, 2023

Injection molding is a versatile manufacturing process used to produce a wide range of plastic parts, from small components to large, complex objects like chairs. One critical factor in successful injection molding is selecting the appropriate tonnage for the machine. In this guide, we'll walk you t

Step 1: Understand the Basics Before diving into calculations, it's essential to grasp the basics. Tonnage in injection molding refers to the clamping force exerted by the machine to keep the mold closed during the injection and cooling phases. This force is crucial for achieving quality parts.

Step 2: Gather Information Start by collecting the necessary information:

  • Part design: Have a detailed design or CAD model of the plastic part.
  • Material selection: Determine the type of plastic material you intend to use, as different materials require different considerations.
  • Part size and shape: Measure the dimensions and geometry of the part, including wall thickness, undercuts, and any features that affect moldability.

Step 3: Calculate Projected Area To calculate the required tonnage, you need to find the projected area of the part. This is the area of the part that comes into contact with the mold during injection. Use the following formula:

Projected Area (in square inches) = Part Surface Area (in square inches) × Clamp Factor

The clamp factor varies based on factors like material and design. Consult with your mold designer or injection molding expert for the appropriate value.

Step 4: Determine the Material's Melt Flow Rate Different plastics have varying melt flow rates (MFR), which impact how easily they flow into the mold. Check the material datasheet or consult with your material supplier to find the MFR of your chosen plastic.

Step 5: Consider Other Factors Apart from the projected area and MFR, several other factors can influence tonnage requirements, such as:

  • Mold design: The complexity of the mold, including the number of cavities and the presence of core pulls or slides.
  • Injection pressure: Higher pressures might require more tonnage.
  • Safety margin: It's common to add a safety margin to ensure the machine can handle unexpected conditions.

Step 6: Consult a Tonnage Chart Most injection molding machine manufacturers provide tonnage charts that relate material, part size, and other factors to required clamping force. These charts can serve as a starting point for your calculations.

Step 7: Calculate Tonnage With all the information gathered, use the tonnage calculation formula:

Tonnage (in tons) = Projected Area (in square inches) × Material MFR (in grams/10 minutes) × Safety Factor / 1000

The safety factor is typically 2.0 to 2.5, but it can vary based on your specific requirements and comfort level.

Step 8: Verify and Consult Experts Always double-check your tonnage calculation and consult with experienced injection molders or engineers. They can provide valuable insights and ensure your chosen tonnage is suitable for your project.

Conclusion: Selecting the right tonnage for injection molding is a crucial step in producing high-quality plastic parts. By following these steps and seeking expert guidance when needed, you can ensure your plastic injection molding project is a success.

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